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Las Firmas Miembro de Moore Stephens alrededor del mundo comparten valores comunes: integridad, servcio personalizado, calidad, conocimientos y una visión global.
Ayudándote a conseguir tus objetivos globales
European Tax Brief
Welcome to the latest issue of Moore Stephens European Tax Brief. This newsletter summarises important recent tax developments of international interest taking place in Europe and in other countries within the Moore Stephens European Region.
Doing business in Spain 2016
The main forms of business entity in Spain are companies, civil-law entities, associations, joint ventures and branches of foreign entities. Historically, the most-used corporate form has been the joint-stock company (sociedade anónima – SA); however, in recent years the formation of limited-liability companies (sociedades de responsabilidad limitada – SRL or SL) has also become commonplace.